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Test Strips For Urinalysis - What Are The Benefits of Using Them?
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Introduction Urine test strips are small pieces of paper that contain chemicals designed to react with specific substances in the urine. These tests are commonly used to screen for pregnancy, diabetes, kidney disease, and other medical conditions. The importance of urine Urine is a waste product of the body produced by the Kidney. The kidney filters blood by removing waste and balancing water, minerals and salts. Clean filtered blood is exits the kidney and circulates through the body. Excess water, waste products and excess mineral and salts leave the kidney via the urinary tract, are stored in the bladder and...
pH Strips To Test Urine - Is There Anything Else I Should Know About P.H Strips?
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Introduction Do you use pH strips in your home? Have you ever wondered how they work? Or why they're so useful? This article will answer all those questions and more! When Should You Use Them? pH strips are used by people who test their urine for various reasons. They're also used by doctors and nurses when testing patients' blood. These strips measure the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. Urine pH test strips A Urine pH Test Strip allows you to test your Urine pH at home cheaply and effectively. These strips have been around for a long time and...
What is Epsom Salt?
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Introduction An Epsom Salt is a popular and affordable remedy to ease a lot of ailments. There are a lot of uses and benefits that we get from Epsom Salt. There are also a lot of ways on how we can associate epsom salt in our daily routine. In this article let us try to tackle more of its uses and benefits. What is an Epsom Salt Epsom salt was originally discovered and named after the town of Epsom in Surrey, England. It is made up of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen and it is also known as magnesium sulfate. Despite...
How Magnesium Powder Improves Health
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Introduction Magnesium is very essential to human health. It takes part in improve brain functions. A diet high in magnesium includes healthy whole foods such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Though it’s possible to get the daily recommended amount of the mineral 400–420 mg for men and 320–360 mg for women through diet alone, many modern diets are low in magnesium-rich foods.If you can’t get enough magnesium through your diet and if it’s safe for you to do so, you may want to take a supplement. Magnesium supplement comes in powder, tablet or capsule form. Magnesium Powder Magnesium...
What is Plantar Fasciitis?
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Introduction I've been in a lot of pain lately. It started when I got out of work and my feet hurt so badly that I couldn't even walk up the stairs. By the time I made it upstairs, they were killing me! The next morning, my feet felt like bricks had been put on them—and then some. At least now there's something else to complain about besides how much work this one project is going to be! Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of foot pain. It's an inflammation or irritation in the plantar fascia, a thick band of...
Common Vaginal Infections and How to Prevent Them
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Laser Vaginal Therapy
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Laser vaginal therapy, also known as vaginal rejuvenation, is a non-surgical treatment that uses laser technology to improve vaginal health and function. This treatment has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to address a variety of vaginal issues, including vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence, and vaginal dryness. Women who experience pain during intercourse or have other vaginal issues may also benefit from laser vaginal therapy. While the treatment is non-invasive, it is important to choose a qualified provider and be aware of the potential risks and side effects. In this blog post, we will discuss how laser vaginal...
What is a Snake Diet?
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The Snake Diet promotes a lifestyle centered around prolonged fasting. It was founded on the belief that humans historically endured periods of famine and argues that the human body can sustain itself on just one meal a few times a week. The diet involves an initial fast of 48 hours — or as long as possible. After this period, there is a feeding window of 1–2 hours before the next fast begins. Cole Robinson, a fasting coach, claims that once you reach your goal weight, you can keep cycling in and out of fasts, surviving on one meal every 24–48...
Important Things You Need To Know About UTI (Urinary Tract Infections)
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If you are one of the few women who has not experienced Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) yet, then consider yourself lucky. The chance of women getting a urinary tract infection is quite high. Some experts rank women’s lifetime risk of getting one as high as 1 in 2, with many women having repeat infections, sometimes for years. For men however, about 1 in 10 will get a UTI in their lifetime. 1. What causes UTI? Urinary tract infections are caused by microorganisms, usually a bacteria that enter the urethra and bladder, causing inflammation and infection. Though a UTI most commonly...
What Food Should We Eat for a Normal pH Level?
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What Food Should We Eat for a Normal pH Level? Today we will discuss the importance of body pH and how we can lead a healthy life by eliminating excess acid. The acid-alkali balance of the body plays a significant role in maintaining its dynamic equilibrium. Numerous studies have confirmed the fact that an acidic body pH restricts the proper functioning of the enzymes, leading to conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. In case of individuals with a chronically acidic body pH, the body tries its best to neutralize the pH by utilizing many of its...